Thursday, June 26, 2008

Arrived: Shanghai

I'm here. Shanghai.

I'm staying on the 19th floor of the Jianguo Hotel, a 4-star hotel located in one of the three major shopping districts of Shanghai (score!) The hotel has been usurped by the 400+ attendees of my Dad's biostatistics conference. Website here .

Here is the view from my room (yes, you can be jealous now):

Last night, I had a traditional Shanghai dinner with my Dad, his friend (a professor from Fudan University, the Harvard of China) and some Fudan grad students. It was a feast: around 20 spicy vegetable and meat dishes. A blog on food, which is paramont in Shanghai, will come later.

Shanghai is the granddaddy of all cities. There are over 4,000 buildings over 30 stories. We're not even staying in the most modern district of Shanghai, which I understand is even cooler than this one.

More later.

Til then,



Max Barroso said...

I had a little fell of combining the commercial boom of New York, with the Culinary fine test of Paris, adding some spices of history and tradition... whoa la Shanghai..

or is it the other way around?

good one, hope the time difference didn't mess you up :)

Jess Chen said...

Actually, that's a really accurate way of describing it.